Milestone 1

Set up the project-dedicated GbCC server, establishing (on separate server/sites) web-based forms, wikis, user groups and other web-based capabilities to provide on-going data collection and input. GRA's will be appointed and both site based and project wide virtual meetings will take place. The Advisory Board will meet by this date.

milestone 2

A set of six prototype GbCC based activities will be available for initial use within the UTeach Program and supported by development efforts at both the University of Texas and Northwestern University.

milestone 3

An initial prototype o the general, fully internet-based GbCC architecture will be ready for iterative implementation and refinement during the spring semester.

Milestone 4

A set of twelve model activities and set of support materials will be completed, an initial set of presentations at research conferences will have taken place as will sessions at the UTeach Annual Meeting, the Advisory Board will meet to review the progress of Year 1 of the project and annual reporting including that from the External Evaluator will be submitted.


The internet-based version of GbCC will have a fully integrated capability for user extensibility and authorship and the prototype versions of the self-contained (local server) version of the GbCC capabilities will be implemented for project wide testing, a plan will be in place for supporting implementation of, and obtaining feedback from, the use of 12 model lessons at UTeach sites beyond Austin.


Iterative improvements in the GbCC architecture and results from developing the three model examples of user extensions to existing activities or authorship of novel activities will be incorporated into the functionality for the GbCC capabilities and the self-contained versions the GbCC architecture will be fully functional.

Milestone 7

The pre-release versions of the GbCC architecture, the 12 model activities and support materials, the three examples of activity extension and authorship will be documented, the self-contained versions oft he GbCC architecture will be available, all code will be commented and available in open-source formats, and sets of findings related to the project research questions will be presented at professional conferences in related journal article submissions.


The internet based and self-contained versions of the GbCC architecture as well as project materials and research will be completed and available for use across all the UTeach sites, a full release event will take place at the UTeach Annual Meeting, and project-related reports submitted including that from the External Evaluator